Our Ambassadors – Pat Strickland 

Last year we wrote seven stories about volunteer heritage tour guides, the people who guide tourists around Broken Hill during the cooler months.

Now we’re going to look at some of the local Ambassadors who meet and greet those tourists as they pass through the city.

Patrick Kreitner, Visitor Services Coordinator at the Visitor Information Centre (VIC), says the local Ambassadors program began in 2022 as part of a national program called City Ambassadors.

“We are looking for volunteers with a passion for the region and its history,” Mr Krietner says.

“People who are happy to actively engage with visitors, welcoming, inspiring, and informing them of our city’s many offerings and fascinating history,” he adds.

While the role can include supporting staff at the VIC, the role also covers key tourist areas such as Argent Street, and large events like the Broken Heel Festival, or the Mundi Mundi Bash.

“City Ambassadors are locals representing the City of Broken Hill, who enjoy sharing stories, recommending hidden gems, and ensuring authentic experiences to visitors from around the world,” Mr Kreitner says.

While he accepts visitors nowadays often rely on online information to plan their trip, he says it’s clear they still appreciate trusted information and recommendations from a local person while they’re in the region.

“It establishes that emotional connection with a local and forms an important part of the travelling experience.

“City Ambassadors ensure visitors leave with a sense that they have connected with the heart of Broken Hill through its people.”

Pat Strickland came on board as a City Ambassador at the start of the program in May 2022.

“I like talking to the visitors about Broken Hill and how I was a founding member of the Walking Tours group which started in 1983 during our Centenary year.”

She had to cease her voluntary walking tour when full-time work came her way, so she became an

Ambassador, in part, “ because I am now unable to walk for the time required as part of the walking tour program”.

The sheer number of attractions Broken Hill has to offer surprised Ms Strickland, despite her previous association with the walking tours group some 40 years ago.

Aside from her role as a City Ambassador, she also keeps busy with gym classes, aquarobics, knitting, crochet, reading, and lunching with friends.

She is also the current Secretary-Treasurer of the Patton Village Association, and assists her husband as part of his membership with the local Lions Club.

In encouraging others to become a city ambassador, Ms Strickland says, “if you enjoy talking to visitors and love Broken Hill, the role is very rewarding and doesn’t take much time or effort.”

To express an interest in volunteering with Visitor Services, please contact Mr Kreitner on 8080 3571, or email [email protected]

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