World’s Greatest Shave

With the Worlds Greatest Shave just around the corner, the Barrier Truth is getting on board with our Administration Assistant Garon Dolan putting his hair on the line for the worthiest of causes – blood cancer prevention.

Considered Australia’s hidden cancer crisis there are no screening programmes available and no means of prevention through lifestyle changes. Incredibly, 53 Australians are diagnosed with this devastating disease, and 16 will lose their lives every single day.

Preventing blood cancer, like most things worth fighting for, requires teamwork. That’s why we’ve decided to collaborate in the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave and raise some funds.

These contributions will provide thorough support and information to those grappling with blood cancer, while also funding breakthrough research to discover improved methods of diagnosis and treatment.

“I’m participating in the World’s Greatest Shave to raise awareness about blood cancers like leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

“I wanted to challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone. Shaving my head also gives me a brief glimpse into what many patients go through, fostering deeper empathy and understanding,” Mr Dolan told the Barrier Truth about his motivations.

No matter how much you can spare, you have the power to make an extraordinary difference. If you can, please donate by following this link:


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