White Cliffs Sees Red

Bridal party on public toilet.

The White Cliffs community will showcase its most dazzling colours with the town-wide Underground Art Festival.

The community will host activities exhibitions, concerts, workshops, town displays and speciality food and drinks over the next 9 days.

The festival which began on Friday is a showcase of arts and crafts from White Cliffs Wilcannia, Menindee, Broken Hill, and Ivanhoe.

The festival which runs every second year is now in its sixth incarnation and hosts parrots, a dinosaur, historical vehicles felted signs, fence weavings and many other attractions.

Creative Director Cree Marshall said the organisation of the festival has very much been a community effort.

“We have our official opening at the White Cliff’s Hall at 6pm on Friday the 13th because we are not superstitious.”

“We have yarn bombed the streets to make it all bright and colourful.”

“We have workshops, artwork, drumming we will have live music on the pub on Saturday nights.”

“The festival will include poetry and photography.”

“We have also encouraged school children to do some artwork to give them a showcase.”

This year the festival theme is ‘I see Red’. Ms Marshall said that the festival theme is inspired by red being the most valuable colour of opal.

“Miners often hold their polished opals and say if you hold it this way you can see red up in the corner.”

Ms Marshall said that the festival is very fortunate to be able to offer a great selection of prizes this year.

“We have a lot of prize money donated by Foundation Broken Hill. They have been very generous with donating prize money for art, photography, and street art.”

White Cliffs Underground Arts & Crafts Festival runs from May 13 to May 22, 2022.

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