Underage drinkers face 12-month ban

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With the festive season well underway families and friends are celebrating in pubs, clubs and restaurants, unfortunately some are also underage patrons drinking.

Underage drinkers in Broken Hill is a common problem,” Michael Bowland Musicians Club Manager said.

The Barrier Liquor Accord decided they had to do something as young people don’t seem to understand the impact their actions can have.

“None of our families want to see local licensees in gaol because some underage drinker decides they want to try their luck,” Mr Bowland explained.

The Barrier Liquor Accord agreed to ban an underage drinker for one year from their 18th birthday if they are caught drinking underage.

Over 18 year olds with the underage drinker will also receive a one-year ban straight away.

Mr Bowland said the Barrier Liquor Accord is supported by the NSW government and are allowed to create local rules to increase harm minimisation.

The Barrier Liquor Accord have agreed to enact these rules as underage drinking is illegal and the fine for licensed establishments is $220 to $12,000 plus imprisonment for licensees found to have an underage patron drinking alcohol.

The Barrier Liquor Accord rules also cover Wilcannia and White Cliffs.

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