Solar donation reduces Meals on Wheels electricity costs

Meals on Wheels has received a new solar electricity system with the help of Broken Hill Contribution Fund’s $6457 donation.

Diane Sinclair from Meals on Wheels said the Broken Hill Contribution Fund donation helped the organisation to upgrade its electricity switchboard.

“Vertex Electricity upgraded the electricity switchboard so that the system can support solar electricity,” Ms Sinclair said.

Meals on Wheels installed solar panels on the roof of the facility on Beryl Street.

“Although we haven’t paid for the solar panels yet, when we do, we will no doubt get the cost of them back in electricity savings,” Ms Sinclair said.

John Bacich and Kevin Bright from the Contribution Fund were at the Meals on Wheels facility on Tuesday to see the new system.

The system will support the fridges, freezers, heating system and large ovens at Meals on Wheels.

Before Medibank and Medicare started, the Broken Hill Contribution Fund collected money through the unions to pay for medical bills incurred by workers.

The Government wanted to roll the Contribution Fund into Medibank when it started.

The fund argued that the Contribution Fund was sourced from members in Broken Hill and they wanted the funds to go back to Broken Hill.

The Government allowed the Contribution Fund to invest the funds, and any interest earned from that investment is donated back to the Broken Hill community.

“Last year, we gave to the hospital and St Anne’s, this year, we asked the Broken Hill Hospital Kiosk and Meals on Wheels for a wishlist,” Mr Bacich said.

The Contribution Fund helped the Kiosk purchase a new coffee machine as the previous one had broken down.

They were also pleased to help Meals on Wheels reduce their overall electricity costs through the installation of the new switchboard to support the solar electricity system.

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