Ivanhoe gets Multi Service centre

The Ivanhoe Multi Service Outlet was opened last Wednesday, providing a one-stop shop for government services for Ivanhoe residents and people in outlying remote locations.

The centre is purpose built, providing meeting spaces, disability access and new technology.

Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, joined Central Darling Shire Council General Manager, Greg Hill, and Administrator, Bob Stewart, to officially open the new

Mr Coulton said, “Being hundreds of kilometres away from the nearest large centres, it’s important that Ivanhoe residents have a place locally where they can go to access a range of government services, from Centrelink to Central Darling Shire Council support.

The whole community can utilise this new building with disability access, publicly available internet and meeting spaces.”

$450,000 worth of funding for the new centre came from the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund and the Central Darling Shire Council contributed the remaining $150,000.

Greg Hill said it was a big day for Ivanhoe and the Shire.

“The town of Ivanhoe is home to approximately 196 people,” he said.

“At some stage, we expect everyone will need to use the facility, including accessing a government service..

“The building also houses a modern Rural Fire Service Command Centre. Should the need arise, people can be reassured that we now have state-of-the- art facilities to
deal with an emergency,” he added.

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