GOLD GOLD GOLD … and a silver

Gunpowder Gin, a concoction of the smoothest essence to ever numb a mouth, has proudly won gold for Paul and Eric Hanna from the Broken Hill Distillery at the Tydvil Hotel.

The brothers had entered the matured gin, which is over 57 per cent proof, into the World Gin Awards. The best in class receives the Best in Country award then comes gold, silver and bronze awards.

The boys have only been distilling for a year so the gold award is an amazing achievement.

“I was ecstatic to win the awards,“ said Paul Hanna.

We thought we had a pretty special blend he explained.

“We weren’t sure how we’d go, it comes down to the judges and were grateful that they liked our gin,“ Paul said.

The Gunpowder Gin was entered into Mature Class and the Naval Class and won gold and silver respectively.

The Mature Class is based on aging and the Naval Class has to be 57 per cent proof or more.

The term Gunpowder comes from the test of alcohol content used by seamen when they thought their gin had been watered down Eric explained.

The naval men would put the gin in a bowl and add some gunpowder and if the gun powder didn’t start sparking they knew the gin was watered down.

The Broken Hill Distillery is a marvellous establishment to visit with the gin distilling away in the background.

The gin is made in a boutique sized distillery with two pots and a concoction of botanicals that make it taste so special.

The gin then goes into barrels that are aged with chardonnay to add colour to the end product.

Paul says they also have a little distillery that you can see where they test combinations of flavours for their next gin projects.

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