Broken Hill’s COVID-19 journey

According to NSW Health figures: One in three people in Broken Hill has had COVID-19.

In total, 6587 people have been recorded as having had the virus in the area covered by the postcode 2880.

Up until August 23, 2021, we had two cases and then the numbers began to rise slowly and by the end of 2021, we had 188.

By March 2022, there had been 2176 cases recorded in the area, mainly in Broken Hill.

There were 5421 cases by June 30, 2022 and in the last six weeks another 1100 cases have been recorded.

The numbers now seem to be going down.

There are currently 496 cases recorded in town, after 1115 tests, as at Tuesday, August 23.

Last week there were 700-plus recorded cases in Broken Hill.

Now, let’s look at Monkey Pox numbers…

An update was issued this week for Monkey Pox in Australian – there are currently no reported cases in Broken Hill.

As of the August 18, there were 89 cases (confirmed and probable) of Monkey Pox in Australia, reflecting cases diagnosed in Australia and reported to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) by states and territories.

The breakdown is – 40 in Victoria, 39 in New South Wales, 3 in Queensland, 3 in Western Australia, 2 in the Australian Capital Territory, and 2 in South Australia.

It is a rare viral illness that can become serious.

Most people’s symptoms clear up after two to four weeks.

Signs and symptoms of monkeypox infection can include a distinctive rash, blisters or sores that may burst to form ulcers or scabs, swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache, muscle, aches and other symptoms of viral infections.

The rash changes and goes through different stages, before forming a scab and falling off. It can appear as blisters or sores.

These can vary in size and number, from as little as a single lesion to several thousand.

The lesions look like blisters similar to chickenpox but more prominent.

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