Broken Heel off to a flying start

By Noel Fisher

The moon was full, and the skies clear as the Broken Heel Festival kicked off at the Palace Hotel on Thursday night with the DJ Dolly’s Disco Welcome party.

Locals and visitors gathered in great numbers, some in costume and others not but all there for the same reason, to let their hair down and to herald the start to a great weekend of fun and adventure.

Kim Van koeverder and Liz Rankin. PHOTOS: NOEL FISHER

There were the ladyboys from Adelaide, men in drag from Sydney, and sisters from Newcastle among the mix of characters enjoying the atmosphere.

Twinkie, De’Lish, Luvna and Bree, from Sydney’s North Shore, lay claim to being the first group to show up in costume and stake a claim for position at the Palace Hotel front bar, arriving at midday.

Luvna said it was just a great opportunity to let your hair down, dress up and have some fun with a few mates.

“We aren’t gay, we are all perfectly straight and all have wives at home, we are just here for a ball.

“How can you not love this,” he said.

Wilma Titzgrow and her band of merry revellers all hail from Orange and are fresh off the back of an amateur drag contest raising $26,000 for charity Beyond Blue.

They will be wearing the costumes from the contest in today’s parade.

Yesterday the glitter and parade head dress workshops were held to teach young and old participants alike.

There is an action packed few days ahead of for the Festival for everyone to join in.

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