Barrier sporting car club Khanacross

Last Saturday, the Barrier Sporting Car Club had their penultimate Khanacross event of the year.

Khanacross is a competition run on unsealed surfaces, or bitumen, or a combination of both and involving a series of timed tests of various layouts.

The event was a resounding success, say organisers, with Lucky and Kerry Turley finishing first and second, blitzing the field in their Can Am Maverick. Club president Brett Baldwin took third place in his Mitsubishi Magna.

“It was a successful day,” Mr. Baldwin told us. “Good entries, lots of spectators, we had a BBQ – it was a great day.”

If you are a car or motorsport enthusiast and want to join the club for their final meet of 2022, likely to be a day/night event, you can join the club for $40 for a single or $50 for a family.

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