$66 million to combine MDBA water models

Transparency and the improved overall information is the aim of the 66 million dollar investment into a whole of Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) water data view.

There are 24 water models presently used to inform the government, the public, irrigators and environmental water holders about the state of the basin.

The plan is to combine the MDBA and state government river models into one to allow stakeholders to be able to understand the state of water in the MDBA and easily assess the reasons behind decisions.

“The models are vital tools that river stakeholders rely on and this significant investment by the federal government will ensure they are fit for the future,” Minister for Resources and Water, Keith Pitt said.

“There’s been a significant push from communities across the Basin, as well as from water users, to increase water data transparency so they better understand the decisions Basin water managers make,” Member for Nicholls, Damian Drum said.

“If we want to see a healthy river system that supports agriculture and communities, we have to keep getting better and more efficient in how we use our water, and this modelling upgrade will contribute to that effort,” Mr Pitt added.

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